A downloadable game for Windows

Bloom Tale is a Puzzle Platformer Prototype made using Construct3, for the MinigameAMonth Jam of May 2024. The theme is "Wizards!", and we decided to take a little detour around this notion, as the game doesn't let you directly incarnate a wizard, but your character wields a magic artifact that'll help them save their people !


This game's build must be considered as a beta version, a proof of concept. We might come back to it in a few months in order to correct bugs, properly implement the musics, improve gameplay, add new levels, etc.

This game was made using an AZERTY keyboard layout, but a small update might be added in a few to allow players to remap the controls to their liking !

Also, we struggled to correctly define the game's tileset so it's still a placeholder. We plan on remaking it alongside the previously mentionned changes.


- Bud's physics might differ from a machine to the other, we'll be looking to correct it in the shortest time possible, no idea why it works this way.


In this game, you play as a citizen of a small people that inhabits a giant tree.

One day, the Tree is corrupted by a strange white Mold that threatens its well-being. All its inhabitants seek to escape this dire situation, not knowing where to go as the Tree has been their only home since millenias.

However, our protagonist stumbles on a Magic Bud, that seems to have the ability to cleanse the Molds. Their goal is to cleanse every Mold clusters scattered accross the Tree Town.


In Bloom Tale, your goal is to reach the Mold Clusters at the end of each level, while holding the Bud close to you, in order to protect yourself with its magic. You can also throw the Bud in order to reach unattainable Clusters.

The game can be played on keyboard only and on Gamepad (Xbox controller mainly, we didn't get to test on Playstation's or generic gamepads yet)


Move : "Q,D", Left Stick or D-pad to move to the sides.

Jump : press "Z" (keyboard) or the "A" Button (Gamepad).

Interact : press "E" (keyboard) or "X" (Gamepad) when you're not holding the bud

Grab the Bud : When walking on the Bud, Press "E" or Hold the "X" button (Gamepad) for a short time (will be fixed).

Drop the Bud : Just press the previous button again, and your character will let it go.

Aim : Hold the "O" key, or Hold the Right Trigger of your controller. Use the "ZQSD" keys or the Left Stick or the D-pad to to aim your throw !

(while holding the aimed direction) Throw Bud : Release the "O" key, or the Right Trigger (Gamepad).

Reset Current Level : "R" (keyboard) or "Back" (Gamepad).


- Art & animations : Camille Fleury

- Additional art : ana_starry.bird

- Musics : Alysiael

- Game Design & Prototyping : Lucas Braye

Thanks  a lot for trying our game !


BloomTale.zip 41 MB

Install instructions

- Download the .zip file in the folder of your choice.

- Right-click it, extract it wherever you want.

- The Game can be launched from either one of two files : x64 or x86, click on the .exe and you're ready to go !